Setting attainable exercise goals

12 Jan 2021

Regular exercise can be life changing. The benefits are well known: physical exercise helps people to maintain a healthy weight, keep muscles trim and reduces the risk of developing certain diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.
A continued programme of exercise can also improve sleep patterns and boost our sense of wellbeing. When considering the obvious benefits, why do so many of us start on the path of good intentions but eventually fall by the wayside?
The way to achieve success is starting out with an action plan that reflects your current physical abilities and how much spare time you have.
Planning the first steps

Most gyms also offer advice from a personal trainer to help you get started and make the most of the equipment available.
Undertaking regular exercise can be one of the best decisions you will ever make – and the main beneficiary is you!
Read more about the NHS Diabetes Prevention programme here

Want help maintaining motivation to a healthier you? Find out if you’re eligible to join the FREE NHS Healthier You Diabetes Prevention programme here.

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