If you’re a commercially focused, inclusive business who wants a talented, diverse workforce without the normal costs of recruitment, then what we do is for you.
We hand-pick and prepare the best candidates for your business. We find the right person, prepare them and give them relevant skills, and support them to stay and succeed in their role.
We offer recruitment solutions for permanent, temporary and contract vacancies – urgent or planned.
We are experts in successfully placing candidates in areas including:
If you’re urgently looking for staff or want to expand your team, get in touch with your regional consultant today. We operate across the East Midlands, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside, working with businesses of all sizes.
Paul Butler, 07826 862561 or PButler@ingeus.co.uk
Angela Berckley, 07469 353972 or ABerckley@ingeus.co.uk
Julie Gawn, 07341636911 or jgawn@ingeus.co.uk
Our service is funded by the Government to help more businesses reach UK talent for their roles, which means you don’t have the usual costs associated with recruitment agencies.
We work with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and the European Social Fund for England (ESF) to support resettlement services for people with convictions. The focus of the CFO3 programme is to work with offenders to help them get ready for life after prison, turn their back on crime, train and find a job.
Hiring a person or people with a conviction can satisfy a range of business needs including financial, moral and societal, with the benefits for the individual being even greater.
Working with InclusiveRecruit to recruit, train and retain ex-offenders offers several advantages including:
You get access to a talent pool that reaches further to give you more solutions to immediate skills and labour needs. We can support with bespoke training tailored to today’s and tomorrow’s skills needs.
The CIPD has calculated that filling the average non-managerial vacancy costs around £2,000. Work inclusion initiatives, such as opening recruitment up to ex-offenders, can help reduce those overheads, saving organisations substantial sums.
81% of businesses that employ ex-offenders say they have helped their business. Evidence from employers shows that the higher value placed on having a job, with the desire to stay out of prison, often means ex- offenders have higher levels of loyalty and retention, which keeps institutional knowledge within your business.
The biggest concern of employers around hiring ex-offenders is a worry that they may not be honest and trustworthy. However, over half of employers of ex-offenders would positively rate their attendance at work, being motivated and reliable.
Over two fifths of employers say hiring ex-offenders has helped their company become socially responsible. Actively hiring former prisoners is proven to reduce reoffending. Most offenders want the opportunity to turn their backs on crime and having a job helps them get their lives back on track.
If you’re looking for staff, let us help you find the right people for your business.