Goal setting: Keeping an eye on the ball

3 Jul 2024
A lot can happen in six months and so far, 2024’s headlines have been no exception. Banknotes bearing the image of King Charles; a 16-year-old taking to the oche at the World Darts Final; the changing faces at This Morning; and of course the surprising timing of a General Election, have intertwined with world events to keep us entertained, bemused, and shocked in equal measure. 

Of course, some events and outcomes can be predicted more easily. A rather more unexpected delight came in the form of the Northern Lights brightening up our night skies for the first time in 20 years… and it all happened in the last six months.  

At Ingeus, we understand only too well that half a year can easily fly by. Nothing remains static; contracts start and end, teams evolve, and new partnerships are formed. While we focus on delivering our day-to-day services, we must always be ready to flex or change gear. 

We set and reflect on our strategic goals for the Employment Division at six-monthly business reviews to keep an eye on the ball and react accordingly. We don’t want to be caught napping next time the night skies turn pink and green!  

Our reviews enable us to keep ahead of the curve and ensure our services are making a positive impact. They mean we can adapt to market changes, address risk, and gain team buy-in, while remaining competitive and poised for what’s next. 

We start by reviewing progress against goals previously set. If we are falling short, we can take swift action to remedy the situation. If there is a problem, it’s important to identify setbacks as soon as possible. This is where communication is key and sharing ideas from our teams pays off. As more of our colleagues embrace the learning of our Continuous Improvement Academy, there’s always new approaches and efficiencies being devised.  

Then we agree the performance we want to achieve over the next six months. These are stretch goals but must also remain achievable. When setting these, it’s important that everyone has a collective mission with clear targets and something to work toward. Ensuring everyone understands what is expected of them allows us to work more effectively. 

Our corporate values come into sharp focus as we undertake this process. We ‘Take Pride’ and strive for excellence, while ‘Owning It’ means we thrive on new challenges and makes us accountable for progress.  

So far, 2024 has been a positive year and I am beyond proud of the achievements of our hard-working teams. Helping people and delivering excellent results is at the heart of everything we do – whatever the future holds – for our customers, commissioners and stakeholders. 

And on the subject of goals let’s hope Team England can score a few in their quarter final on Saturday night. I certainly will be cheering for that!

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