6 interview tips to help you land that job

7 Jul 2024

Preparing for an interview can be daunting - especially if it’s your first job. However, with the right preparation in place, you can (and will) leave an excellent impression in the interview and be well on your way to landing that position.

With this in mind, here are six interview tips that will help you land your first job - no matter what that job is.

1. Leave a great first impression 

First impressions matter. This refers to both verbal interactions and non-verbal signals. Go in with confidence and make those first few minutes count with a firm handshake and good eye contact. The good news: this takes less than a minute, and is easy to do even if you’re nervous. 

When it comes to what to wear, try to match the company and the job position’s style. It’s a good chance to show that you understand the culture of the company and are a good fit for the role. When in doubt, go slightly more formal to show the interviewer that you’re serious.

2. Prepare your answers wherever possible

Most interviews have certain standard questions that will always be asked. Having the answer locked and ready gives you an edge against other candidates, and you’ll be confident in answering the questions when they come up. Preparation will still go a long way towards impressing the interviewer. Common questions in a job interview are:

Think about the answers to these questions before going into the interview, and you will put yourself in an excellent position when it comes to answering them.

3. Research the company before the interview

There are a few things that are worth researching if you really want to ace your first interview:

Know what the company does.
It might sound obvious, but knowing exactly what the business does is vital to the success of your interview. If you want to get a position in a company, it’s key to know what kind of business you’ll be working for!

Understand what you’ll be doing if you get the job.
As well as knowing what the company does, it’s equally important to have as much knowledge about your potential role as possible before the interview. This means going through the job description thoroughly and researching the position to give you the upper hand in what strengths you have to offer for the job.

Know key and interesting information about the company.
If there is anything that the company has done recently, such as reaching a milestone or landing an achievement, having the information can help you in the interview. Knowledge really is power and in a first interview, this can be the difference between being the standout candidate and just another interviewee.

4. Be enthusiastic and excited

Showing the interviewer that you’re excited about the possible opportunity to work for the company is a great step in a successful interview. There’s a reason you applied for the job!

Let the interviewer know this with what you say and by your non-verbal actions. Enthusiasm about the work and excitement about what you can offer the company is a great way to show an interviewer that you’re eager for the role and ready to give it your all.

5. Sell yourself, but be honest and authentic

At the end of the day, an interview is a way of marketing yourself as the best candidate for the job. So don’t be afraid to show off your strengths and showcase why you’re the perfect person for the position.

This being said, don’t be dishonest about or embellish your skills and experience in an interview to try and upsell your credentials. Honesty and enthusiasm about “learning on the job” go much further. Be the best YOU that you can be, and you’ll nail that interview!

6. Prepare questions for the interviewer

At the end of any interview, it’s typical for the interviewer to ask if you have any questions. It might seem like the best tactic is to play it cool and say no, but having a list of questions prepared makes you look interested and engaged - traits that will impress an employer.

Rather than asking questions about what the organisation can offer you (such as salary and holiday allowance), ask questions that look for information about how you can fit into the company. A few good questions to have up your sleeve are:

These questions are essential in letting the company know that you are serious and ready to jump in, as well as foster the success of both the company and yourself. 

Remember, confidence is key and be yourself! 

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