To launch the new Employment Advisors in NHS Talking Therapies (EA in TT) service in Newham, the Ingeus team joined guests from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and local residents at an event organised by the East London NHS Foundation Trust.
“NHS Talking Therapies has been developed to help improve access to psychological therapies for people who are experiencing mental health issues like depression or anxiety. With additional advice and guidance from Employment Advisors now available to Talking Therapies clients, we’re able to offer practical job-based support to people who need it alongside the counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy or guided self-help they are already receiving,” says Alison Campbell, from Ingeus’ Employment Advisors in Talking Therapies service.
Ingeus Employment Advisors work collaboratively with clinicians to support people in addressing work related issues such as finding a new job or agreeing reasonable adjustments to support their mental health at work.
Guests at the launch event included Ellen Springall, Deputy Director for Delivery, Joint Work and Health Directorate at the DWP and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC); Ebad Baig, Employment Advisor in Talking Therapies for London; and Jason Sparkes, Employment Advisor in Talking Therapies Relationship Manager for the South West.
Ingeus secured the contract to deliver EA in TT in Newham after successfully delivering the service which was previously known as Employment Advisors in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in Derby & Derbyshire on behalf of the Integrated Care Board since 2018. Now supporting clients in two parts of England, Ingeus provides tailored employment support for people to find, return to, or retain employment.
Following successful delivery of the Joint Work & Health Unit (DWP/DHSC) pilot project across 40% Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) areas in England, the EA in TT service is now being rolled out nationally.