Work and Health Programme (WHP)

If you have a health condition or a disability or have been unemployed for a long time, the Work and Health Programme (WHP) could help you find a job. We work with a range of health professionals, employment specialists and local community organisations to help you overcome any challenges and find the right job at the right time.

In 2022, Ingeus provided employability, wellbeing and youth services to over 29,000 people with a disability.

In September 2023, Ingeus began delivering WHP Pioneer – part of the Government’s flagship Universal Support programme – to help disabled people, people with health conditions and people with additional barriers to employment into sustained work. WHP Pioneer differs from traditional employment support by helping participants find a job from the outset, and then providing personalised support to overcome challenges as they arise in-work.     

Ingeus delivers the Work and Health Programmes in the North West, Greater Manchester, and Central London. If you are looking for work, find out how your local programme can help.


Ingeus also delivers the Work and Health Programme in the North East on behalf of Reed in Partnership and in Central England on behalf of Shaw Trust.

How the Work and Health Programme has changed people's lives


Whilst trying to find employment, Jon from Bolton struggled with anxiety and depression. With the help of Ingeus and the Working Well Work and Health Programme, he got the support he needed and has now found a job and career he’s passionate about.


After her husband passed away, 55 year-old Hayley from Blackpool needed to find employment. She shared how Ingeus and the North West Work and Health programme helped her overcome her grief and back problems to get back to work.


63-year-old Geoff from Carlisle shares how Ingeus and the North West Work and Health Programme helped him to update his CV, upgrade his computer skills and maintain his focus while searching for employment.

What happens when you join the Work and Health Programme?

When you join the Work and Health Programme delivered by Ingeus, the first thing you’ll do is meet with your employment specialist.

You will get the opportunity to explain your personal circumstances, your health conditions or disability, and chat about your hopes for the future. Your employment specialist will help you find a job and will ensure you get the advice, guidance and support you need to move into work at your pace.

By joining the programme, you’ll have access to:

  • A dedicated employment Key Worker / Advisor to help you find the right job
  • Physical & mental health support from our in-house qualified professionals
  • Specialist support for barriers such as addiction rehabilitation or homelessness   
  • Access to free courses from creating CVs, improving your IT skills and managing your finances
  • Access to vacancies with local and national employers
  • Ongoing support to help you stay in work

It is an easy to access, flexible service with face to face and online support.