National Citizen Service

Ingeus, through its APM UK track record, has been involved with National Citizen Service (NCS) since 2009, delivering life changing experiences for more than 78,000 teenagers across England. 

From 2020-2022, Ingeus supported more than 47,000 young people and facilitated more than 215,000 hours of social impact and community projects as NCST’s Managing Partner in the South East and East Midlands, and their Recruitment Partner in the North East. 

For 2023-2025, Ingeus’ consortium with Youth Hostels Association (England & Wales) (YHA) will be NCST’s Residential Experiences provider, providing experiences of a lifetime for 43,000 young people. 

Residential experiences are all about giving young people a taste for independence, living away from home. They mix with a new crowd of people and take on exciting challenges together to learn new skills across three themes: Employability, Life Skills, Social Action.

Ingeus will be working with local organisations and education providers to ensure young people have access to NCS opportunities and are able to sign-up to a residential experience of their choice. 

For more information about NCS, visit 

Visit the NCS website

Schools - have you booked your NCS assembly yet?

NCS (National Citizen Service) is back with a range of new programmes for your students. Help your students find their confidence, try new things, and get skills for work and life in these one-week experiences! 

Contact your local NCS team to get all the resources and support you need:

Fill out the form