Rewarding and challenging careers in fair, safe and supportive workplaces is not just ‘nice to have’ – it is what we work together to achieve every day at Ingeus. This includes embracing and celebrating diversity across all groups and creating environments and opportunities so that all of our people can thrive.
While the call for equal pay across genders has been widely accepted, progress is slow. It is estimated it will take another 257 years to close the global gender pay gap, which currently sits at 20%. The UK gender pay gap is currently a little less: just over 18%.
However, Ingeus is proud to have reached an industry-leading 0% media gender pay gap, against the ONS benchmark for All Employees of 13.1%.
Find out more about how we have achieved this here.
Following the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, as an employer we are required to carry out Gender Pay Reporting.
There are six reporting requirements:
These reporting requirements do not involve the publishing of individual employee data. In addition, the calculations do not relate to what men and women are paid for doing the same role. Rather, the calculations take into account all jobs at all levels and salaries.
See our gender pay gap data, published on the government website in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 alongside a 2018 report which explained the data in more detail for the first reporting year. We confirm that this data is accurate.
*As a UK business, Ingeus is legally required to complete gender pay gap reporting. The median pay gap, currently 0%, is the difference in pay between middle-ranking women and men. The mean (average) gender pay gap calculates the difference between average hourly pay of men, and the average hourly pay of women, across the whole company.