Leaving school with no qualifications and struggling with his confidence and social skills left Adam, who is autistic, short of options before he and his mum met Lee from Ingeus. As an Employment Specialist for Pioneer, part of the Work and Health Programme in the North West, Lee unlocked Adam’s motivations and ambitions, homing in on his love of gaming.
Gradually Adam’s mum spoke less at appointments, and Adam spoke more as he began to trust in Lee and the help he offered:
“Lee listened to me, one-to-one, not too fast like at the Jobcentre,” says Adam.
“I found high school difficult and had only tried volunteering in a café afterwards so wasn’t sure what work I could do. I was scared to try.”
Lee however had a very clear idea and, within a week of a vacancy coming in to Ingeus for a seasonal crew member at Burger King at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Adam was in his first ever job. Hearing the news he’d been successful, Adam says “I was blown away!”
With support from Lee and the Ingeus employer support team, Adam happily completed the final two months of the 2024 season as a hard working crew member. He was quickly re-recruited for the 2025 season and will return to the restaurant, one of the largest Burger Kings in the UK, from February to November 2025.
The Work and Health Pioneer programme, delivered across the North West by Ingeus, gives intensive support to people wanting to experience working life and learn as they earn. Specialist in-work support for its participants and their employers opens previously closed doors to people furthest from the labour market.
“Adam has gained a lot of confidence and has really come out of his shell since I first met him,” says Lee. “To move from where he was to where he is now is amazing. From shyly attending appointments with his mum, he now uses the tram and comes to appointments on his own.
“Completing applications, interviews and inductions has shown considerable effort and now he’s had a taste of the job at Burger King, he’ll be able to hit the ground running again next season. Very well done Adam!”
From Adam’s point of view, things couldn’t be better:
“I liked making new friends at work, everyone was really friendly,” he adds. “Plus my mum is very happy and I bought a new phone and smart watch with my wages. It’s good to be able to go back.”