Ingeus pilot Virtual Reality scheme ‘Bodyswaps’ launched for jobseeker support

18 Sep 2024
Ingeus is piloting Bodyswaps, a new virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) learning tool for participants to use as a job interview resource. 

Bodyswaps has launched at Ingeus’ Restart Scheme centre in Hackney and will be rolled out at more centres across London and Greater Manchester for participants and employees to use. 

Bodyswaps provides interview simulation scenarios for participants to test out ideas, answers and get real time feedback. The AI component provides feedback on things like vocabulary chosen, how fast the person was speaking, and use of filler words. Ingeus employees will be able to track eye movements and hand gestures using a VR headset and give further insights on body language for participants to improve on.

Ibrahim Mohamoud, a Team Leader at Ingeus’ Restart Scheme in Hackney, said:
“We are really excited to be piloting Bodyswaps. We have already had feedback from participants about how useful it is to have a job interview tool that can ask different questions and provide feedback on speech patterns and vocabulary. Bodyswaps is going to give an extra helping hand to participants with their confidence at job interviews giving them the space and opportunity to try, get feedback, and try again in a safe environment.”

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