Recognition at national awards for Ingeus Personal Wellbeing Advisor

16 Sep 2024
We are pleased to share that Stuart McCarron, Personal Wellbeing Advisor for Ingeus’ Commissioned Rehabilitative Services, has been honoured at Inspire Justice Awards as the Highly Commended individual for Rehabilitation Worker of the Year. Stuart’s journey is a remarkable tale of redemption and transformation.

First arrested at the age of 13, Stuart’s early years were overshadowed by criminal activities and a 20-year struggle with drug addiction. However, upon his last release in 2020, Stuart made a decision to change his life.

Stuart began volunteering as an Ingeus peer mentor, using his lived experience of the justice system to support others. His dedication and passion for helping others quickly became evident, leading to his recruitment by Ingeus in May 2022 as a Personal Wellbeing Mentor. Within just five months, Stuart was promoted to Personal Wellbeing Advisor, and he has also served as an Ingeus Finance Benefit and Debt Advisor.

Stuart now delivers the GOALS motivational group programme across the East Midlands, where his kindness and ability to empathise have proven invaluable in helping others turn their lives around. His story is one of resilience and determination, breaking the cycle of crime and addiction through his newfound faith and commitment to making a positive impact.

Carrie Peters, Director of Justice Services, said: “Stuart’s ability to connect with people on probation, instilling belief and confidence in them, has been a cornerstone of his success. He has earned glowing feedback from those he has helped, with many praising his warmth, empathy, and unwavering support. Stuart’s lived experience allows him to offer a real sense of hope, showing others that change is possible.”

Ingeus’ Justice services help people in the criminal justice system successfully transition back into the community through specialist rehabilitative support services. We adopt a holistic approach, addressing personal wellbeing, accommodation, health, education and training, employment, and other essential needs. Read more about Ingeus’ Justice services here

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