Three years of changing lives through Commissioned Rehabilitative Services
12 Nov 2024
Ingeus’ purpose is to enable better lives, providing services and support that help people develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours to thrive. In our
Justice division, a large part of how we do this is through our
Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS), commissioned by the
Ministry of Justice, to provide flexible, responsive services to help break the cycle of reoffending.
In 2024, we celebrate three years of delivering CRS, providing flexible and responsive support to people in the criminal justice system to help rebuild lives and break the cycle of reoffending. During this time, CRS offered tailored support targeting the key areas known to enable successful rehabilitation: accommodation; education, training and employment; personal wellbeing; finance, benefits and debt; and dependency and recovery.
Carrie Peters, Director of Justice Services, said:
“At the heart of our services are the people who want to change their own lives, even those who may not know that when they are first referred to us. Our team inspire, motivate and support people to celebrate everything they have achieved throughout their journey with CRS and a large part of our delivery is the Ingeus Academy, where we pay tribute to all our Peer Mentors and colleagues with lived experience who make such an impact!”
To commemorate this milestone, we share our
review of three years of CRS and how these services achieve a positive and proven impact on people’s lives.