The Ingeus Academy 

The Ingeus Academy is a pathway from the criminal justice system to employment in the justice sector. It gives people with recent or current lived experience of the criminal justice system opportunities to train and become volunteer Peer Mentors. Peer Mentors support our justice services where they specialise and gain skills in a particular area, such as health or dependency and recovery. We support and encourage Peer Mentors to apply for permanent employment as new vacancies arise within Ingeus. Successful graduates receive in-work support from the Academy Team to help achieve their goals.

The Academy developed from our experience and expertise in recruiting, training, and developing service users within our business. It provides Ingeus with committed, highly skilled, and experienced volunteers and employees.  

If you are a participant on an Ingeus Justice programme and would like to know more about the Academy, please speak to your Advisor.

The Ingeus Academy is a formal pathway that enables people with recent and current criminal justice system experience to progress towards employment within the justice sector. This video highlights the value of the Ingeus Academy and the hope it brings graduates of the Peer Mentoring programme. 

Linzi shares her story of finding hope again after turning to alcohol to solve her problems and nearly spending time in prison. Learn how the Ingeus Peer Mentor Academy supported Linzi to find her purpose again.

Find out more about our Commissioned Rehabilitative Services